Hi everyone! Happy 2021! I know we are almost half-january into the year, but since this is my first post of this (hopefully) promissing year, I couldn't start any other way. I hope you all have had some lovely times during the holidays and that this year is already treating you with a little more kindness than the dreadful 2020.
Today I bring you, not our usually throwback pattern, but two!! The Lyon Blanket and the Bubble Gum blanket. So let's get started!

The Bubble Gum Blanket was designed in mid-2019, using some yarn that I brought with me from Brazil. I think you can also get it in Chile, but the sample was knitted using 2 skeins I had on my stash.
This blanket is knitted flat, from the bottom up, in a combination of lace and cables, making a very interesting result. Because the pattern comes in many sizes (security, stroller, receiving, toddler and crib) and is worked in worsted weight yarn (now Ravelry has it listed as DK), it grows fast making it a perfect option for gift knitting. This pattern is highly adaptable to other yarn weights.
And also, this shade of pink is one of my favourites! I think that if you want to take your knitting to the next level and learn cables and lace at the same time, this pattern is a great way to do so. There is no shaping involved, and if you are working the smallest size, it knits up in no time!

The other pattern, the Lyon Blanket, was developed as a gift for a couple of friends who were expecting their first baby. I love gift knitting, specially if it was something I designed myself. I knit a lot for me too (of course!), but there is only so many shawls and socks one can wear, right?
This Blanket was one of my very first desings, and I love the 3-dimensional effect the lace gives after it's finished and blocked. This too was worked with yarns I brought from Brazil (both this and the Bubble Gum's yarns were a gift from my aunt Cecila), and also from Cisne.
Because this was one of my first patterns, it didn't have the same layout as the others, so last week it was updated to match and improve readibility, as well as some few touches that we learn as we get a little more experience. And I am very happy to say it has been one of my most popular patterns!
I have always loved knitting for babies: little sweaters, little shoes and socks, or big blankets or even stuffed animals, they always bring me lots of joy!
And what about you? Do you like knitting baby patterns?