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Hermes Aran Hat Test Knit Round Up


Hi everyone! We are just finishing the beta-knit of the Hermes Aran Hat, a heavy weight version of one of my most popular patterns, the Hermes Hat.

The pattern comes in 5 sizes, ranging from a baby 16"/40 cm head circunference to a large 24"/60 cm circunference adult head, surely you will want to knit one for each of your loved ones!

If you are looking for some inspiration, here are some photos of our test knit.


Anna tested a size 3, she went all in and made 3 lovely version of the Hermes Aran Hat!

You can check out more of her kniting projects here on Ravelry as birdie3767


Valorie also went all in and managed to knit 2 versions of the Hermes Aran Hat.

You can check out more of her projects here on Ravelry and follow her on Instagram

Iriene (left) - Laura (center) - AsMezgeja (right)

Laura is a long time tester and I was very lucky she participated on many of my tests. You can check out Laura's Ravelry page here.

Margaret (left) - Irenai (center) - Carolsumie (right)

Margaret chose to make a double folded brim for her hat. You can check out her Ravelry here and she is on Instagram too.

Irenai tested size 1 and you can also follow her projects on instagram and Ravelry.

Carolsumie is a very prolific knitter and she knitted a size 4. You can check out her projects on Ravelry here.


Some tests go smoother than others, but one thing that all great testing process have in common is the sense of community and help that sometimes happen. And this test was great: all knitters participated a lot and gave me and each other a lot of feedback and suggestions. We discussed the best cast on methods at length and I learned new techniques I can't wait to try.

Have you ever participated in a test knit? How was your experience? Let me know in the comments below! xxx


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