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Picot Bind-Off


Hello! Today I briing you the Picot Bind-Off technique. This is a decorative bind off and it is quite stretchy, making it perfect for a big shawl. So let's get started!

¡Hola! Hoy les traigo la técnica del Cierre En Picot. Este es un cierre decorativo y es bastante elástico, lo que lo hace perfecto para un chal grande. ¡Entonces empecemos!

Olá! Hoje trago para vocês a técnica do Arremate em Picot. Este é um arremate decorativo, bastante elástico, o que o torna perfeito para um xale grande. Então vamos começar!

1-Cast on 2 stitches using the Knitted Cast-On method.

2-You are now going to start working from the first stitch of the left-hand needle (the last stitch you just cast on).

3-Bind off 4 stitches using a standart bind-off.

4-Your work is going to look as the picture on the side.

5-Slip the last bound off stitch from your right-hand needle to your left-hand needle, from tip to tip without twsiting the stitch.

Repeat Steps 1 to 5 as many times as needed to bind off all your stitches.

After binding off the last stitch. break yarn and pass it through the loop of the last live stitch and pull to close.



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